Book description
Swimming With The Whale presents the next volume of this series, Diving With The Whale by Daniel Joseph
Daniel continues the exploration of the teachings of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth. In this next installment, the seeker is presented with deeply inspiring mystical teachings and effective practical guidance that can enable them to raise their consciousness to higher levels.
Tracing our Selfhood from its lowest expression as a personality to its origin as an Immortal Spirit Being. The reader will learn how to make the alignment between the personality they have become, with the Inner Self that they are! This alignment quiets the conflicts and heals the suffering within our personality, which uplifts our awareness to enable us to enjoy life more abundantly.
Diving With The Whale aids the seeker in learning how to distinguish between the false self, the egoism of their personality, from the real Inner Self; freeing them to live a happier life that is more beneficial to themselves LANGUAGE:those around them. Within the pages of this book, are some of the most advanced teachings on God, Man and the Nature of Reality available anywhere.
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[excerpt from Diving With The Whale]
In the beginning of our search for truth, it is natural to accept a truth from a wise authority or someone you trust and love. But beware; you should not accept everything a person says without thinking about it and proving it yourself. Personality cults do this and it always ends badly for the charismatic leader and for their followers. This way is quite dangerous. Still we must accept guidance from our teachers that we know to be honest and trustworthy people. But always we leave room for questioning.
A Researcher of Truth should be like a burning question mark as Daskalos so often advised.
We have our system, a system by which we research the truth of anything. Our system is just like the scientific method used by scientist. That means that the system we teach can be followed by anyone, anywhere and will give the same results regardless of their status, nationality, or religious orientation. It is a positive and practical way to approach the truth concerning God, man (mankind)and the nature of reality. It is exciting to realize that what is true that has been discovered by science agrees with our own research. In this case, a researcher of truth can be doubly certain about the validity of his discoveries. There is no conflict; both science and the research of truth follow a similar path towards knowledge.
One branch of our research concerns the nature of reality. This study initially seeks to understand the relative reality of our three-dimensional world and the reality and conditions of the forth dimensional worlds we will reside in when we pass over. Most people don’t know about the worlds of the 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th dimension. Some religions believe in them, but without knowing what they are. Some just refer to these as the heavens. What is called the seventh heaven is really the seventh dimension. Even the most advanced mystics, who have been able to reach this state, cannot express much about this luminous reality. They can say it is beautiful and glorious, but no words can adequately express the reality of the seventh heaven. Similarly, in India they speak about the seven “Locas” (locas means worlds). Here we see two different systems speaking of the same reality in their own way.
All these heavens, the kingdom of the heavens, are in us as Christ said. In us where exactly? In our heart? In our mind? The kingdom of the heavens is in our own Inner Divine nature. But it is up to us to make the effort to find them!
[excerpt from Diving With The Whale]
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