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Next month we will be back on September 21st at 7PM EST With Our "Spiritual Journey part 2 - Shaping Our Destiny"
On Sept 21, 2019 at 7 PM We speak more about our Spiritual Journey as well as what accelerates our movement on our journey and what delays it. And what we are doing right today that is determining our destiny tomorrow.

Our Spiritual Journey part 2 - Shaping Our Destiny

Learn more now



spiritual journey pic

Our spiritual Journey

As a personality we are on a continual journey towards the truth whether we know it or not. As a personality we are continually seeking for that which we love and that which we deem as real. However our understanding of what that love is, is different from the understanding of what love is for other personalities. Yet after chasing after all the objects we think brings happiness, we eventually come to the realization that there is no place with lasting happiness except in finding your Real Self and God.

Watch  it now on Gumroad Now  





Take  Aim on your Spiritual Journey or any journey really, we must have an aim.  We must have an idea of where we are heading. Just to throw your self in to the Spiritual Ocean without any direction to your search won't produce much lasting satisfaction.   We need an aim and a means of achieving our aim.  What is your spiritual aim?

Watch it now on Gumroad



The video recording of this  Webinars  suggests an approach to Truth, what we should expect from finding the Truth and what The Truth expects from us. And we will systematically lay down the principles and practices that are the foundations of the Researchers of Truth, that we use to raise our Consciousness and uplift our Awareness (these are 2 different things).

Watch it Now on Gumroad


The Archangels are always with us, working for and through our material and higher bodies. But how do we bring ourselves into relationship with them?

Learn How in this 90 minute webinar with Q & A and meditation on the Archangels Watch it on Gumroad now










Oprah Winfrey's O The Greatest  Mystic:

This was Oprah's magazine reporter's comment upon meeting Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis, "widely recognized as the Greatest Mystic of modern time," also known as Daskalos [The Teacher] from Greek Cyprus.    

O Magazine July 2003

 See article on Daskalos at How to Unleash the Magnificent, Unstoppable Energy Inside You

The Book

Swimming With The Whale ~ Daniel Joseph

Welcome to the Whale Book Series website, where you will find first hand accounts of the Miracles, Wonders and Healings  of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth in Swimming With The Whale
Available in both printed book,  AudioBook,  eBook format (Tablet Phone or PC) and Kindle format for Amazon Kindle Reader

The Benefit

Swimming with the Whale by Daniel Joseph, systematically introduces the reader to  an ever increasing engagement with the research of truth.  It is the calling of some but really it the necessity for all. To be successful in the material world or the spiritual world we must become more aware and more conscious, which requires research in the form of observation and study. The first benefit of researching the truth is it frees us from ignorance, fear and illusion that are at the root of our problems both in the material world and in the spiritual world. Simultaneously the research of truth brings us knowledge and wisdom. These are two different things. Knowledge is not wisdom but knowledge leads to wisdom. The System for the Research of Truth presented in the Swimming with the Whale Book will give you something far greater than regular knowledge which can be forgotten, it will give you experienced knowledge, which is something that you own, something that is a part of you and thus cannot be forgotten or lost.

Of course the most important knowledge a Researcher of Truth can come to is who and what they are. Again this requires researching the truth in order to distinguish the difference between our constantly changing outer self (our personality) from our changeless Inner Self (the Soul). And this is the aim of the System for the Research of Truth as established by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis who is more popularly known as Daskalos the Mystic of Strovolos. The Whale Book first introduces Daskalos as a young seven year old master and then reveals the 2000 year old lineage of the Researchers of Truth in the introductory workbook, Swimming with the Whale. This workbook guides your initial approach to these safe, effective and self-evident teachings and practices.   Click To Order

Daniel began his training with Daskalos in 1989 on Cyprus and continues this work in the Americas

Reader's Comments

My life will forever be changed after reading Swimming with the Whale.


I have found the material to be really profound and every evening I work with the introspection exercise and have found it to be of enormous help to me. I really love the way that Swimming with the Whale is laid out, it makes quite complex subjects much easier to understand.

Even though I am so busy, I am delighted by your Diving with the Whale books!! They came just in time to clarify some aspect of the system. I cannot go to sleep without reading at least a chapter from them. God bless you and I am very happy that you bring the teaching of Daskalos to life again.

Seldom in the History of mankind do the Teachings of a True Master become accurately/readily/and lovingly conveyed forward to those who are ready to receive and grow into their Truth. Daniel's Swimming with the Whale book is one of the very few to do that. Daskalos' primary teachings are available for those interested but Daniel, using those teachings and his own experiences and wisdom, adds that much need "spark" which ignites that flame.

I think Swimming with the Whale is a wonderful Book should be released in German and I am looking forward to the "Diving with the Whale books".

I've been reading Swimming with the Whale again, and I feel like I'm reading it for the first time. I'm so glad you wrote these books. Your explanation of kinetic energy makes me pay more attention to the beginning meditation which I do daily as I focus on my toes then move up to knees, etc. How is the 3rd volume coming?

I absolutely loved theSwimming with the Whale workbook! It was clear and to the point regarding many deep mystical concepts that are difficult to understand!

I have Been listening to the Swimming with the Whale book on audio:  Amazing.

I'm currently finishing reading your book "Swimming with the Whale" eBook, and I'm amazed with Daskalos teachings and legacy. They are simple, practical, they make sense, and they produce results. And your book offers an excellent introduction for the beginner.

I just ordered a copy of Swimming with the Whale after finding your book on the Web. From just a couple of minutes with it, I was stunned and delighted by its clarity. Bravo, congratulations, and thank you!

I have started to read your new book "Swimming with the Whale" I like it very much and just wanted to say thank you for your hard work in putting the Teachings in a way that I can understand and apply them!

I want to say very well done with your Diving with the Whale book have already convinced about 20 people to buy their own copy!  I have two copies that I use in the meetings.

My wife and I absolutely loved Swimming with the Whale and are looking forward to watching the Online Courses together.

The book is one of the best I've ever read and I've read many. 

I first discovered the life of Daskalos through the books of Kyriacos Markides, e.g., The Magus of Strovolos, Homage to the Sun.  Until Swimming with the Whale, one either had to depend on Markides. In 25 well-written chapters, D. Joseph gives a complete survey of the basic teachings of Daskalos combined with practical exercises for the novice. Daskalos has "re-issued" the genuine esoteric Christianity of St. Paul and the best of the Early Church Fathers. Swimming with the Whale gives a "user friendly" version of very deep teaching about how the subtle world really works and how one can engage the work of true spiritual self-cultivation. I recommend this book to any Christian who realizes there is much more to the New Testament teaching than he has been able to find in "denominational Christianity". Swimming with the Whale is not marred by New Age silliness. It is a very difficult writing task - well done.

First, I’d like to tell you that I have your Swimming with the Whale book and it has really put together some pieces for me that I missed or didn’t understand and it is very helpful! It makes a tremendous difference in my life and I finally have a place to really learn the detail stuff. And although it’s just me sitting in a room reading, I still feel part of a community and knowing that there are others dedicated to practicing this stuff is quite wonderful

I have to say, Diving with the Whale is remarkable work. I can't imagine anybody doing it better.

Thank you so much for the teachings & practices in the swimming with the whale book.
Now I have found safe meditations.
I had been practicing certain meditation that resulted in hemorrhaging in my lungs.
But more importantly for me, is that I now live in a new way, more happier, calmer, satisfying and confident and better about the future.
I am also I starting to understand many things that I could not possibly understand before

A Seeker of Truth

I am currently re-reading Swimming with the Whale and taking notes on the front pages to keep track of highlights. This book is a pretty comprehensive treatment of everything in Daskalos

I have found the material to be really profound and every evening I work with the introspection exercise and have found it to be of enormous help to me. I really love the way that Swimming with the Whale is laid out, it makes quite complex subjects much easier to understand.

Just writing to say that I received the Diving with the Whale e-book just under a week ago and I couldn't stop reading it. I enjoyed it a lot.

The Swimming with the Whale book and the teachings of Daskalos take the reader to higher dimensions of enlightenment and faith. Excellent reading - Blessed to have found this book.

Thank you for the Swimming with the Whale book it has been an answer to my prayers for truth and understanding. Your work is doing a great good for a great many people. God Bless.

You have had a tremendous impact on my life as I have learned so much reading your beautiful Swimming with the Whale book and listening to your wonderful Virtual Circle Lessons on the Radio.

I Feel your Swimming With The Whale book is the most accessible way to understand the teachings.

I have studied all the three Whale books, I love them! Thank you

Swimming with the Whale is a great in-depth journey into the life and teachings of the Mystic of Strovolos, Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis and the Researchers of Truth Group. Very deep and at the same time Uplifting!

The teachings in Swimming with the Whale are unquestionably esoteric, are also made simple and practice-able through the workbook style presented. This is a masterful book written by whom I conclude, after studying and practicing some of the material, must likewise be a masterful author.  As you might expect there are anecdotes about his first-hand experiences with Daskalos, and I personally appreciate they are short and used sparingly. (It tells me that Joseph hasn't written this to satisfy his own ego.) I highly recommend the book to anybody who considers themselves a "researcher of truth."

Even though I am so busy, I am delighted by your Diving with the Whale books!! They came just in time to clarify some aspect of the system. I cannot go to sleep without reading at least a chapter from them. God bless you and I am very happy that you bring the teaching of Daskalos to life again.

The Swimming with the Whale book isn't a gloss over book. It takes you deeper into asking what your beliefs are and gives you ways to delve into those beliefs. You must approach this book with an open mind and an open heart.

The members of our Researchers of Truth Group have opted for using your Swimming with the Whale Workbook to guide our gatherings, as we appreciate the fact that it is well-structured and it presents a good progression also for beginners.

Marvellous esoteric teachings in Swimming with the Whale.